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January 4, 2012
Regular Meeting
January 4, 2012
The meeting convened at 8:58 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

E. Princeton Village–Public Forum
John and Mark developed the agenda for the public forum. Rick as chair, will provide an introduction, Mark will then review the results of the questionnaires and collect additional data. Tom will report on Mechanics Hall and John will lead the discussion to generate a wish list for the area. The meeting will be held during the regular board meeting on February 15. Brenda will mail and email an invitation to residents in the area and will post on the website.  The board will use the projector and do a power point presentation. Phyllis will also advertise in the Landmark.

Meeting Minutes
December 21 Regular Meeting – Tom moved to accept the minutes as amended.  Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Other Business
Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee (PAC) - Meeting Update:
Tom reported that the PAC is working to identify stakeholders and send a mailing notification to approximately 225 people. Jerry suggested posting notices rather than doing a mailing, he’s concerned someone may be inadvertently left out. The committee will discuss at their next meeting.

Jerry and Ann will attend the January 12 CMRPC quarterly meeting.

Brenda will add discussion on solar panels/farms & windmill bylaws as future topics for agenda.

Jerry was concerned about the behavior of one of the residents during the public hearing and feels the comments should have been ruled out of order.  Rick said he will make a judgment call if one person is being singled out, or if he sees the situation is getting out of hand.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant